Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hermine left them nothing to do but read…

Whippet Wednesdays-Good

It has been a wet day here in Central Texas. Tropical Storm Hermine has just been sitting over the state the entire day and has left us feeling waterlogged. So, what better to do on a day like today than read!

I admit it. One of the photos I’m posting today I actually took this weekend and was completely spontaneous. Turbo sometimes is just the cutest dog ever. He plopped down on the couch next to my book and decided that he would snuggle up with it. I was initially a little worried because he is a taster. He has a propensity to eat things he probably shouldn’t—paper is one of these things. He’s chowed down on a bookmark of mine (which was actually in this book) and regularly licks the pages of my books. If you know me and my desire to keep books fairly new looking, you’ll know that this drives me crazy!

I’ll take a little Jim Butcher with my Tropical Storm!

Poor Max is the active one of the two of them and has just been looking forlorn today since I have to take him outside on a leash just to go to the bathroom. Our yard is flooded so they can only go in certain parts of the yard. Anyway, he’s looking so depressed on the couch leaning on the pillow that I couldn’t let Turbo outdo him. I put the book in his arms and shot away.

Max enjoys a good book too!

Just had to show their cuteness while they wait out the storm. They’ll be back to their bad ways next week I’m sure!

What do your pets do when it’s rainy outside?


  1. Oh poor dogs. The weather so bad, they have to stay in! Well, what IS there to do if you're a dog? Sleep, eat, play outside. Ok, just sleep and eat at the moment. Booooring! Maybe they can watch tv? :-)

  2. @leeswammes - Yes, poor dogs! One of them had a poo accident a little while ago because it's been raining too hard for them to go out. He got minimal scolding since there's not much we can do when we have 11.5 inches of rain in one day.

  3. So cute! I can't believe how much rain ya'll have been getting. I guess that we should be grateful that we don't get hurricanes.

    Murphy doesn't have to deal with Rain often, but we are fogged in just about every morning thanks to being near the beach. He tends to just sleep in until the fog burns off....lazy!

  4. Huge surprise here this evening....we got rain, too! Seriously, it normally only rains in the winter here. The dogs? Curled up in the couches, of course!

  5. @scrabblequeen - I guess everyone's getting rain. The dogs were so good for the most part the last two days. I'm hoping it will dry up so that they can play and we can walk them again!
