It All Began...
Let's start from the very beginning.
I sometimes tweet about the things my dogs do. When I do, it often makes people laugh, scold me for not having well-behaved dogs (good-natured scolding of course), or shake their heads in feigned disgust and/or real puzzlement. Whatever they do, their deeds are sure to get comments out of people--so many comments, that I've decided to start a regular feature about their antics on my blog. I made both a "(Good)" and a "(Bad)" feature image because even though I often talk about their badness, they can also do really good things. **I changed my mind. I made a blog just for them!**
We decided to get a puppy almost two years ago. After researching breeds, we decided that a whippet was the dog for us. "Why," you ask? Well, here's a few facts:
- They are more known for licking the mailman, not biting him
- They are often called the 35 mph (56 kph) couch potato
- They are short haired and considered to be odor free (Well, at least their hair is. Their rear ends tend to release noxious fumes that can clear a room!)
- Not prone to hip dysplasia or other ailments
- Are prone to periodontal disease
We decided that a non-aggressive dog was a very important thing for us because we had an aggressive dog for many years.
So, after looking for a few months for one, we found our first whippet, Max in December 2008:
Max |
Oh, don't let the cuteness fool you...Max was a FEW handfuls as a puppy! He whined constantly for months on end because he was so full of energy and really wanted another dog as a playmate. When I say constantly, I mean ALL hyperbole. It really was all day!
So, we started looking for a rescue dog this year after months and months of Max's non-couch potato behavior. We got an e-mail in March from the people we bought Max from about one of the puppies they kept that needed to be rehomed. We jumped at the chance! So, in late March of 2010, we got Turbo:
Turbo |
Max immediately took to Turbo (maybe it was brotherly love), and I finally got a break. The two play together, grizzly bear fight together (play fighting of course), sleep together, and make LOTS of mischief together. Here's a few little facts about my little monsters:
Max (a.k.a Maximus, Maxie, Max Pain, Maximiliano, We Should Have Named You Marley)
- 32 lbs. (14.5 kg.)
- Favorite Pastimes:
- Eating things he shouldn't
- Sneaking into the dog food bag when I am getting his food and chowing down
- Perching on the back of the couch like a cat
- Eating poop (Gross! I am pretty good about picking it up so he can't eat it, but the boy has a nose for it and can find any little piece I've missed!)
- Stealing things off the counter
- Playing ALL THE TIME (the boy can jump over 6 ft. in the air..he's insane)!
Turbo (a.k.a. Turbs, Turbie, Turbstrosity, We Should Have Named You Darwin)
- 42 lbs. (19 kg)
- Favorite Pastimes
- REALLY eating things he shouldn't
- Looking at Max like he's out of his mind
- Power chewing
- Standing on top of kitchen tables (oh yes...not just paws on the table--we've caught him ON TOP of the table standing on all fours)
- Looking laid back, but being the "quiet baddie"
So there you have two dogs. I sometimes call them "Dogstrosities" (named after the lobstrosities in Stephen King's, The Dark Tower series). They have done so many bad things over the months that this nickname is well-deserved. Despite their baddie behavior, they are two of the most loving dogs on the planet and I wouldn't have them any other way. They are oftentimes hilarious and give me comic relief when I am in need of it. They put their head in my lap or curl up under the covers with me all the time which melts me into a pile of gullible goo. I like that!
Animal Planet has a video on whippets that they filmed for Dogs 101. If you want to see what my dogs are like, watch THIS video on whippets (I couldn't embed it, but you can watch it by clicking the link). It was one of the deciding factors in us getting Max and Turbo. I may lament their bad deeds, but I truly love them and can't imagine life without them.
Your two and my monster Murphy Grace would have a great time together. Poor MG needs a pal so badly, he carries lizards and gophers around in his mouth. (then wonders why they are dead)
ReplyDeleteI was shocked when Turbo ate a bird...a baby bird! Whole! I didn't realize dogs really did that. I am naive. My dog before these two never did stuff like that though. He thought he was a human.
ReplyDeleteHow old is MG? I need to see a better picture of him than the one in your avatar. He's so tiny in it! I do want to meet him! I love dogs. They are the best pets ever...well, blog name says that's not true, but it really is! LOL!
By the way, you are my first commenter! Weeeee!
ReplyDeleteGreat introduction to Max and Turbo, Carin. I think the new blog will be a success.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cuties!!! And what a great idea for a blog!!
ReplyDeleteNow, what I wondered: are 2 dogs twice the work of having just one or do they keep each other occupied?
I hope we get a lot of posts from you about their GOOD behavior! :-)
@leeswammes - But the bad behavior is so much funnier! I will be posting some good behavior stuff so the SPCA doesn't come knocking at my door though.
ReplyDeleteI think 2 dogs are easier than the one. Max has become WAY more manageable. He really did used to whine all day. Now he has a playmate and they tire each other out.
@rikki - I know you like that baddie stories for sure! LOL!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea. My two adorable (rotten) terriers (terrors) do the back of the couch thing, too. We're blessed though....they are pretty well behaved dogs...which sadly, makes poor blog fodder.
ReplyDelete@scrabblequeen - He's ruining the pillow of our couch. It's kind of sad because it's a fairly new couch, but oh well. He's cute. I'm sure my dogs do enough bad things to make up for your dogs' goodness! I have SO many stories that it's a little ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteYour babies are supercute!
ReplyDelete@Karen - Thanks! They always love it when you come over because you love them so much. hehe Oh, I was thinking that maybe we ought to introduce all the dogs before you bring Mhina over because he's a boy. Three boys together could be sketchy. I had forgotten about that!